“Probation”   a time of for being proved;  of proving yourself;  of proving you have ears to hear, eyes for seeing, and a heart to understand the teachings of Jesus and the Kingdom He came to establish on earth and leave behind for a while, when He went away.

Ascension Day today!

There are 40 days between the Resurrection and the Ascension.   40 is an oft-used number in the Bible, and it is a product of 5 and 8;  in other words,  5 X 8 = 40.     5 is the number to indicate Grace;  8 is the number to indicate renewal, or a whole new world, a whole new creation.  

In these 40 days after Easter, the Resurrected Lord walked among His disciples, family, and friends, helping them — giving them grace to understand what His death and resurrection would mean for the human race.   He has established His Kingdom, the Church; appointed a vicar to head the Church in His absence; and revealed to them all the instructions and teachings that they would need to know until His return.  

Did these first Christians prove themselves true to the teachings and instructions?   Could they be?

“Stand by,”  Jesus told them.   “Stand by.  Wait in Jerusalem.  Don’t leave until you receive a Helper.”     

In these 40 days of “probation”  the first Christians did prove themselves worthy and faithful; they – and we – prove ourselves worthy by hearing, learning, and doing the teachings of Jesus, and then “waiting” on the work of the Holy Spirit in us….   He comes!

. . . .but that is “50 days”  after the Resurrection.   Stand by!   

You have Nine Days of Prayer to prepare.

Don’t change a thing!

Stand fast!!   Don’t leave any of His teachings!    “Stand fast, and hold the traditions that yo have received from us, whether by word of mouth or by our epistle.”  (II Thessalonians 3:14)


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