Ever wonder how much gold there is in the whole world?    You can look it up easily on any Search engine, and most of them will try to help you visualize it.  I have a fuzzy image in my mind of a giant cube taking up about one-third of a football field.

“You can have some”

Son and I were discussing this a few weeks ago.   It turns out that, by weight,  there is enough gold for every single human being alive today to have just about one ounce of gold, if it were distributed among us equally.

A few days ago we were discussing it again, inspired by all the budget proposals that are currently in the news.   Now that we know how much gold there is in the world,  it was easy to calculate, at approximately the current price of gold, that  the man who is currently living in the white house proposes to spend an amount of dollars equal to the worth in dollars of ALL the gold in the world.

ALL of it.    “Our country”  proposes to spend all the world’s gold – in just one year. 

I guess we just have to give up our valuable possessions to the people who are currently in control of our government spending.   

And so would everyone else in the world.  

I’ve got to get busy now and prepare for tomorrow’s Bible study class.   You know,  sort of “laying up treasures in heaven where the moths can’t eat it and the thieves can’t steal it..”(Matthew 6:19)

Heh heh.

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