Archive for April 18, 2011

DAY minus 7 – Paschal Moon

April 18, 2011

So hard to work with this looking over my shoulder.   And me looking over my shoulder at it.

It is the Paschal Moon.     That full moon that comes at the time of Passover,  also known as the Pascha (Greek) and the Pasche  (from earlier English) which is from Pasah and Pesah ( both Hebrew)  which means “pass over”  — it all ties together.

The Jewish Passover which is being celebrated right now, this week, looks forward to the same Event which the Christian  Holy Week (ending in Easter)  looks backward in time to celebrate.   

It’s the same Event.      How nice to have the same Paschal Moon to mark the week, until Time ends and we see the Paschal Lamb with our eyes.

This same Moon is rising again tonight  through those same trees right now, as I write.  

See,  even if I didn’t remember to look for the Paschal Moon – or this Paschal Week – it would have arisen just the same….waiting for me to connect with it.