Posted tagged ‘Bluebells’


May 24, 2015

(Busy today.   Birthday celebrations and other things.  Not much strength left for . . .   blogging.) )

Bluebells to remind us of Our Lady today:

bluebell fieldJust a beautiful glowing-blue flower.    Bluebells are known for laying themselves down in “carpets.”

bluebell carpetPerhaps that’s why they are chosen to represent the blue covering over us,  the heavenly skies,  the Heavens above, and for the particular quality of our Desire for Heaven.

bluebell vaMary was bereft of her Son at Calvary, and in another way at the Ascension.    She lived without Him, then, for another twenty years, approximately.   How she must have longed for Heaven — not to be in a wonderful, glorious  “paradise” beyond the blue sky,  but rather to be united with her Son again.

Understandable?   Of course.  A mother cannot live well without her son.

But there’s more here.

bluebell hangingHer Son was not just her son.    He was her Creator,  her Lord,  her God,  and her Savior.    As a human being,  she would have also had the same human desire to be united with the One who made us.   Then we will be “completely”  the person we were meant to be.  All will be well.  All will be peace.    We will be able to walk with our Holy,  Loving Creator.  It will seem so right.  So wonderfully right.

Mary.   A life turned toward God and with a strong desire to “be there” with Him.