Archive for May 28, 2012


May 28, 2012

A soldier –

18 years old.    Married.     Marine Corps.     Called up for duty in the Pacific, 1945.    His unit never deployed as planned.  Our government decided on another way to end the war, quickly, and with far less loss of life for both the Americans and the Japanese.

He and his brother are both Marine Corps veterans of WWII.      Neither was killed in the war.

I visited his brother recently:

Looks like just about every other American small-town cemetery.       Then I found the right place –

And then I zeroed in on my uncle’s place … and stayed a while –

The one with the flags.    (Great job,  cousins.)

Memorial Day is a personal family day for many Americans.    Those who served in the armed forces, those who died for us,  all those in uniform have made it possible for us to have “family days”  now.

So,  I guess Memorial Day is a day we can all take personally.



May 28, 2012

Took time out for some fun this weekend.

Waited for the checkered flag…..and here they come!


Full speed!

180 m.p.h coming out of that curve and accelerating. . . .

From a driver’s perspective:


All alone. . . . .

Everything else is just a blur.